
Thanks to the supporting media partners!

dérive - Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung, multiperspective international Journal for urban research supports as x-LArch media partner the international network. http://www.derive.at/
Download a test issue: https://www.yumpu.com/s/K6YwVi9of7mZMNEp

Zoll+, Journal edited since 1991 by Verein forumL covers landscape, architecture and open space and will report on the conference as as x-LArch media partner. https://zollplus.org/

Open access peer reviewed online journal SPOOL, x-LArch media partner and will edit a special issue in december: SPOOL Park Politics!

nextroom, the independant online-forum for contemporary architecture and partner of NEXTLAND, the collection of contemporary Austrian landscape architecture x-LArch media partner. https://www.nextroom.at/actor.php?id=15562&inc=bauwerk