Thanks to the sponsors of Park Politics! Please have a look at their wide range of products and services!
AK Wien
AK Wien, the Vienna Chamber of Labour is x-LArch patron 2018. AK is occupied with public space and reveals the impact of communal policies on workers and their environment in the Journal „AK Stadt“.
x-LArch-partner 2018, the art department of the company for publicly owned real estate, realises permanent and temporary art projects in and around public buildings – an exciting dialogue between art and architecture.
Experts of DACHGRÜN are x-LArch-Friend 2018 and market leaders in greening buildings. As BOKU alumni they are part of the team to elaborate Austrian Standards for green rooftops.
Kammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen ArchitektInnen und IngenieurInnen
The chamber of civil engineers and architects, x-Larch partner 2018, engages as an active plattform to ensure professional, economic and social benefits for their members.
Berliner Seilfabrik
The wide range of products of Berliner Seilfabrik, x-LArch-partner 2018 is an up to date producer of playground equipment and enriches parks around the globe. Their experts support landscape architects in design and realisation.
MA19 - Magistrat für Architektur und Stadtgestaltung
The department for architecture and urban design of the Vienna City Council, x-LArch-patron 2018, is guiding the actual development of the urban image of Vienna and will present the ‘Concept for Public Space’.
MA7 - Wien Kultur
The culture department of Vienna, x-Larch-partner 2018, creates the framework for creative professions and the arts to be presented in public.
The association ÖKOWEGE, x-LArch patron 2018, produces and markets soft waterbound and hard path surfaces using natural materials with a high environmental responsibility.
Kulturland Oberösterreich
The culture department of Upper Austria, x-LArch-partner 2018, supports mediation of its rich cultural heritage through academic research, monument and heritage protection as well as structural support.
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich
The culture and art department of Lower Austria, x-LArch-patron 2018, has a high reputation beyond the national borders for supporting and realising more than 600 art projects in public space since more than 20 years.
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